Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Book of the Month...July 2008

Fallen Founder by Nancy Isenberg
(Click on title to check availability.)

Villain or patriot? Scheming politician or forward thinker, way ahead of his time? Ms. Isenberg’s book of revisionist history explores all these questions and more while she relates the life and death of one of America’s most controversial figures, Aaron Burr.

In this challenging, but fascinating biography, Isenberg asserts that Burr was, in fact, “the only founder to embrace feminism” and the only one who “adhered to the ideal that reason should transcend party differences.” None of the founding fathers were without faults and human frailties, and Burr was no exception. But his character and contributions should not be ignored.

Fallen Founder is an interesting portrait and one that should lead to much discussion and thoughtful reflection. Meg



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